Thursday, November 18, 2010

Things that go bump in the night


The Princess and the Goblin.

George MacDonald is genius and it is the best faery tale of all time. 
Please read it.

It's been my favorite since I was just a wee little gal, reading the copy that my mom had that was falling apart.
And now I check it out from the library and force all my friends to read it.
So read it.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Yet Another One Night Stand

I have a very bad habit of meeting a new book, and instantly becoming obsessed with it. I will go around all day with my focus entirely on the book, I won't eat and I certainly won't sleep until I've finished it. But then at three in the morning when I've finished the book, I'm almost always left with an unsatisfied feeling. Maybe I need to just slow things down, make a longer commitment and enjoy the book a little at a time. But its so difficult for me to stop reading once I start reading, I just become completely infatuated. Its a problem.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Artemis Fowl

I borrowed this series from a friend this weekend, and I've been devouring them. I love anything dealing with Faeiries, and this is no exception. I love the modern twist, the smart mouthed punk that is Artemis, and the repulsive hilarity called Mulch.

I suggest it so much.


"Argh? Pathetic and inarticulate. Nice combination. Your mothers must be so proud."

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Promethea Vol. 1

A tale about a sentient story who manifests herself in the physical world by inspiring the minds of artists and writers in each generation and subsequently inhabiting their bodies, endowing them with goddess-like superpowers?
Alan Moore, could you please try to be a little more imaginative?
Seriously. Anything Mr. Moore writes is worth looking into. The man's doubtlessly hallucinogenic fueled mind is a wellspring of penetrating premises and poetic prose.
Favorite quotes from Book One of Promethea include the following:

"It was not [her] that I loved. It was the fantasy I'd spun about her. Now that fantasy had fled, I sometimes doubt it ever truly happened, and was not instead some dream of mine. But things are ever thus with faeries and romance."

"...All war and conflict, is naught but the failure of imagination."

Always entertaining, Mr. Moore.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Brave New World

I may or may not have accidentally stayed up till 5 a.m. and read the entire book in one go. It was an interesting look at the possible results of the flaws of our current society, and was good for me in that it made me think about whether or not I ever ignore my instincts in order to better conform with society. I was most displeased with the ending, it was quite depressing and I wish it had been handled differently. Thats really all I can about it though, without having to post a *spoiler alert!*

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Amulet of Samarkand

Bartimaeus is a snarky 5,000 year old djinni who has come into servitude of a young magician's apprentice named Nathaniel. The plot revolves around their attempts to stop an evil mastermind magician from taking over the world. You know, that's all that I really want to summarize. I got bored already.

It slightly bothered me that this is set in England, but I didn't see any english spellings of words.


"One magician demanded I show him an image of the love of his life. I rustled up a mirror."

I liked this book, but I wouldn't say I loved it. It was reminiscent of the Children of the Lamp series, but not as engaging.

Howl's Moving Castle

I have long been a huge fan of Diana Wynne Jones.
Her short stories always make me laugh.
I read the Chrestomanci stories so many times. 
I'm 100% sure that I've read Howl's Moving Castle before, but I couldn't have been more than 7 or 8. 
But Jessica just gave it to me to read and BAM!

I am so in love.
Don't watch the film first, or you'll be stuck with visions of Japanese characters.
Read the story. 
I can't even stand how awesome it is. 
My mind is blown with the awesomeness. 

The first step is admitting you have a problem...

This is a blog for those of us who cannot pass a bookstore or a library without going in. 

Things to expect from us:
Awesome pictures of libraries and books
Book reviews
Amazing quotes from our latest reads
And other awesome stuff as it comes

Our bloggers are awesome. 
Anonymity is key.
But if you're reading this, you probably know who we are. 
Not the point.
This is going to be awesome. 
Be ready.